Bill to Allow Public Sector Strikes Meets Opposition in the Legislature

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

LD 900, which was introduced in February 2019, and carried over to the short 2020 session of the 129th Maine Legislature, would allow public employees the right to strike. Strikes by public sector employees are illegal by statute in Maine. All that would be necessary is for a majority of the membership of the union to vote in favor within three days prior to the date upon which the strike is intended to start. The bill does not set forth any standards which must be met in order to call a strike. The only exception to the bill is that employees whose duties include public safety would not be allowed to strike. 

If this bill was enacted, it would be a major change in public sector labor law and would dramatically affect the balance of power in Maine between municipalities and other governmental bodies and labor unions. 

It is apparent that the bill will not have an easy time passing at the Legislature. A work session scheduled for January 15, 2020, was cancelled. All indications are that Governor Mills would veto the bill if it somehow passed both the House and Senate. 

To be blunt, this legislation would be devastating for municipalities and would have a detrimental effect on employee relations. You are urged to let your Legislative representatives know that you as a municipality or other public sector employer are opposed to this potential legislation.